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Tech + Innovation
#focussphere #ignite500
Technology & Innovations
Strategic advice, creative ideas. We opine on and sometimes help refine business plans. We love working together to turn something good into something great. Are we working to protect against the worst that can happen? Are we leveraging the upside? Are we planning for assets as well as liabilities? When good isn’t good enough, we help you think outside the box, and we help you change the rules. Every business goes through pivotal moments – cave on a term or lose a customer, cancel the product line or keep it in market, make a key hiring decision. We have made most of these mistakes before. Now, we can help or find someone in our portfolio who can help you think through what to do.
Technology + Innovations
#focus sphere
Ignite 500 has been a leading healthcare investor over the past decade, starting in healthcare IT and expanding into technology-enabled services, providers of care, care management & coordination, population risk management, and proven medical technologies. We pursue highly thematic investments that aim to improve the quality of care and/or reduce the cost of care. We partner with strong, experienced, and knowledgeable entrepreneurs and management teams to help scale proven business models into industry-leading companies.
Real Estate
#focus sphere
Real Estate
Our real estate strategies focus on acquiring single and multi-family residential, commercial, Industrial properties, healthcare facilities and hotels as core-plus and value-add assets. We concentrate on assets that have a strong margin of safety and exceptional operational performance. We aim to produce significant risk-adjusted returns by repositioning these assets and utilizing our investment capabilities through our real estate SPVs and Funds.
Real Estate
#focussphere #ignite500
Advisory & Value Creation
A direct, straightforward style. We prefer brutal honesty to hypocritical politeness. We seldom vote against management teams in our board roles, but we can have strong opinions. We will challenge you without confronting you. Once we pick a management team, we back it and don’t second-guess it. We are less about sweet talk and more about helping you build a business. We are definitely not about controlling ownership in your business.
Advisory & Value Creation

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